Itinerary 1

Downtown Auburn Hills has it all. Food, Flair and Fun.

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Stroll through the downtown. Enjoy the History Walk, public art silhouettes and murals.

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Discover new things. Window shop and explore Be amazed by the treasures that hide inside our repurposed and historic storefronts.

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Grab a burger or pizza or stop for a latte and pastry. Maybe an ice cream treat or bubble tea.

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Itinerary 2

Downtown Auburn Hills. Never Ordinary.

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Explore the wonders of the sea, all in one place. Visit SEALIFE.

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Old Cd's

Find vintage from clothing to collectables. Re-discover vinyl records and comics. Design a custom shirt or create a custom frame.

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Unique Store

Spend hours exploring the historic roller rink that is home to a nationally renowned life-style store and the theater that combines shopping and dining.

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Itinerary 3

Dine downtown Auburn Hills and discover the world.

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Foodies love diversity.

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Top Golf

Topgolf is a golf driving range game with electronically tracked golfballs and automatically scored drives that started in 2000 and grew to become an American multinational sports entertainment company.

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This is a fun place to grab tasty ice cream with the family.

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